Flower-Visiting Insects
of English Plantain

Plantago lanceolata (English Plantain)
(this plant is normally wind-pollinated, however small bees occasionally collect the exposed pollen without pollinating the flowers; unidentified Syrphid flies also feed on the pollen without pollinating the flowers; plant bug and beetle activity is unspecified; observations are from Wilhelm & Rericha and Hilty)

Bees (short-tongued)
Halictidae (Halictinae): Augochlorella aurata cp np (WR), Lasioglossum floridanum cp np (WR), Lasioglossum foveolatum cp np (WR), Lasioglossum illinoense cp np (WR), Lasioglossum leucocomum cp np (WR), Lasioglossum pectorale cp np (WR), Lasioglossum pictum cp np (WR), Lasioglossum pilosum pilosum cp np (WR), Lasioglossum vierecki cp np (WR)

Syrphidae: Unidentified spp. fp np (H)

Mordellidae: Mordellina parva (WR)

Plant Bugs
Miridae: Lygus lineolaris (WR)
