Flower-Visiting Insects
of False Loosestrife

Ludwigia polycarpa (False Loosestrife)
(Short-tongued bees usually suck nectar, although some of them also collect pollen; other insects mostly suck nectar, although some flies may feed on pollen; observations are from Robertson and Wilhelm & Rericha as indicated below)

Bees (short-tongued)
Halictidae (Halictinae): Augochlorella aurata sn (Rb), Lasioglossum cressonii sn (Rb), Lasioglossum pectorale sn (Rb), Lasioglossum versatum sn cp fq (Rb), Lasioglossum zephyrum sn (Rb)

Sapygidae: Sapyga interrupta sn (Rb); Sphecidae (Philanthinae): Cerceris compacta sn (Rb); Pompilidae: Anoplius atrox sn (Rb), Anoplius lepidus sn (Rb); Vespidae (Polistinae): Polistes fuscatus sn (Rb)

Formicidae (Dolichoderinae): Dolichoderus pustulatus sn np (WR)

Syrphidae: Toxomerus marginatus (Rb), Toxomerus politus (Rb); Tachinidae: Archytas analis (Rb), Belvosia unifasciata (Rb), Spallanzania hesperidarum (Rb); Sarcophagidae: Sarcophaga sinuata (Rb); Muscidae: Limnophora narona (Rb)
