Flower-Visiting Insects
of Scurfy
Psoralea tenuiflora (Scurfy Pea)
(Bees suck nectar and/or collect pollen; the Spined Assassin Bug is a predator that lurks among the foliage and flowers. Observations are from LaBerge, Krombein et al., Wilhelm & Rericha, and Discover Life as indicated below. A scientific synonym of this plant is Psoralidium tenuiflorum.)
Bees (long-tongued)
Anthophoridae (Eucerini): Svastra obliqua (LB); Megachilidae (Coelioxini): Coelioxys rufitarsis sn (WR); Megachilidae (Megachilini): Megachile addenda (DL), Megachile brevis (DL), Megachile campanulae (WR), Megachile mendica (DL)
Bees (short-tongued)
Halictidae (Nomiinae): Nomia universitatis (DL); Colletidae (Colletinae): Colletes willistoni sn (LB, Kr); Andrenidae (Panurginae): Calliopsis andreniformis sn (Kr)
True Bugs
Reduviidae: Sinea diadema prd np (DL)