Flower-Visiting Insects
of Star-Flower

Trientalis borealis (Star-Flower)
(Bees collect pollen, while flies feed on pollen; nectar is not produced by the flowers. Observations are from Barrett & Helenurm, Anderson & Beare, and Wilhelm & Rericha.)

Bees (short-tongued)
Halictidae (Halictinae): Unidentified spp. cp fq (AB), Augochlorella aurata cp (WR); Andrenidae (Andreninae): Unidentifed spp. cp fq (AB)

Syrphidae: Unidentified sp. fp (AB), Platycheirus confusus fp (BH), Platycheirus obscurus fp (BH), Sphaerophoria bifurcata fp (BH)
