Flower-Visiting Insects
of Stiff Gentian

Gentianella quinquefolia (Stiff Gentian)
(The Large Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa virginica, perforates [prf] the base of the corollas of this plant to suck nectar and it is non-pollinating; other bees suck nectar from the flowers legitimately, and they sometimes suck nectar from the perforations of corollas that were made by Xylocopa virginica. Some bees may also collect pollen from the flowers. Observations are from Wilhelm & Rericha.)

Bees (long-tongued)
Apidae (Apinae): Apis mellifera sn sn@prf (WR); Apidae (Bombini): Bombus affinis sn sn@prf (WR), Bombus fervidus sn sn@prf (WR), Bombus griseocallis sn sn@prf (WR), Bombus impatiens sn sn@prf (WR), Bombus pensylvanicus sn sn@prf (WR); Anthophoridae (Anthophorinae): Anthophora terminalis sn sn@prf (WR); Anthophoridae (Ceratinini): Ceratina calcarata sn sn@prf (WR), Ceratina dupla dupla sn sn@prf (WR), Ceratina mikmaqi sn sn@prf (WR), Ceratina strenua sn sn@prf (WR); Anthophoridae (Xylocopini): Xylocopa virginica prf  sn@prf np (WR)

Bees (short-tongued)
Halictidae (Halictinae): Augochlora pura pura sn sn@prf (WR), Augochlorella aurata sn sn@prf (WR); Colletidae (Hylaeinae): Hylaeus mesillae sn sn@prf (WR)
