
Relationships of
Vertebrate Animals
to this Plant:


Solanum spp.
(Nightshade) [Solanaceae]
(observations are from Martin et al. and Beal)


Anatidae: Aix sponsa (Wood Duck) [fruits comprise 2-5% of the diet in New York during summer] MZN1951; Cardinalidae:
Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Emberizidae: Melospiza georgiana (Swamp Sparrow) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Icteridae: Sturnella magna (Eastern Meadowlark) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Mimidae: Dumetella carolinensis (Catbird) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Phasianidae: Bonasa umbellus (Ruffed Grouse) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in Wisconsin] MZN1951, Phasianus colchicus (Ring-necked Pheasant) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in the Northeast] MZN1951; Turdidae: Catharus minimus (Grey-cheeked Thrush) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951, Catharus ustulatus (Swainson's Thrush) [2.0% of bird stomachs contained fruits from these plants] Be1915b, Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird) [the fruits are eaten rarely] Be1915

Mephitidae: Mephitis mephitis  (Striped Skunk) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in NE USA] MZN1951; Procyonidae: Procyon lotor (Raccoon) [fruits comprise 0.5-2% of the diet in Iowa] MZN1951