Birds Using Spruce Trees
for Protective Cover
and Nesting Habitat
or Feeding on their Seeds
(Picea spp.)

Bird Species
(Scientific & Common Names)

Anas platyrhynchos *

Bombycilla cedrorum * §
(Cedar Waxwing)

Zenaida macroura * § ¶
(Morning Dove)

Cyanocitta cristatus § ¶
(Blue Jay)

Spizella passerina § ¶
(Chipping Sparrow)

Zonotrichia albicollis ** §
(White-throated Sparrow)

 Coccothraustes vespertinus ** § ¶
(Evening Grosbeak)

Haemorhous purpureus ** § ¶
(Purple Finch)

Loxia curvirostra ** § ¶
(Red Crossbill)

Loxia leucoptera ** § ¶
(White-winged Crossbill)

Pinicola enucleator * § ¶
(Pine Grosbeak)

Spinus pinus ** § ¶
(Pine Siskin)

Spinus tristis * §
(American Goldfinch)

Quiscalus quiscula § ¶
(Common Grackle)

Mimus polyglottos § ¶
(Northern Mockingbird)

Poecile atricapillus * § ¶
(Black-capped Chickadee)

Dendroica caerulescens § ¶
(Black-throated Blue Warbler)

Setophaga castanea § ¶
(Bay-breasted Warbler)

Setophaga coronata § ¶
(Yellow-rumped Warbler)

Setophaga fusca § ¶
(Blackburnian Warbler)

Setophaga magnolia § ¶
(Magnolia Warbler)

Setophaga striata § ¶
(Blackpoll Warbler)

Setophaga tigrina § ¶
(Cape May Warbler)

Setophaga virens § ¶
(Black-throated Green Warbler)

Dryocopus pileatus *
(Pileated Woodpecker)

Picoides pubescens * § ¶
(Downy Woodpecker)

Picoides villosus * § ¶
(Hairy Woodpecker)

Sphyrapicus varius *** § ¶
(Yellow-bellied Sapsucker) 

Regulus calendula § ¶
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet)

Regulus satrapa § ¶
(Golden-crowned Kinglet)

Sitta canadensis ** § ¶
(Red-breasted Nuthatch)

Catharus ustulatus * § ¶
(Swainson's Thrush)

Hylocichla mustelina *
(Wood Thrush)

Turdus migratorius § ¶
(American Robin)

* feeds on the seeds
** seeds are a preferred source of food
*** drills holes in wood & sucks tree sap
§ uses these trees for protective cover
¶ uses these trees for nesting habitat

Sources: Martin et al. (1951/1961),
DeGraaf (2002), DeVore et al. (2004)
