Birds Feeding on the Seeds
or Buds of Alders
(Alnus spp.)
Insect & Family Names
(Scientific & Common)
Anas americana *
(American Wigeon)
Anas crecca carolinensis *
(Green-winged Teal)
Anas platyrhynchos *
Pheucticus ludovicianus *
(Rose-breasted Grosbeak)
Zenaida macroura *
(Mourning Dove)
Spizelloides arborea *
(American Tree Sparrow)
Acanthis flammea *
(Common Redpoll)
Haemorhous purpureus *
(Purple Finch)
Loxia leucoptera *
(White-winged Crossbill)
Spinus pinus *
(Pine Siskin)
Spinus tristis *
(American Goldfinch)
Colinus virginianus *
(Bobwhite Quail)
Bonasa umbellus **
(Ruffed Grouse)
Meleagris gallopavo *
(Wild Turkey)
Phasianus colchicus *
(Ring-necked Pheasant)
* feeds on seeds
** feeds on seeds & buds
Sources: DeGraaf (2002), DeVore et al. (2004),
Martin et al. (1951/1961)