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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) [Aceraceae] (Observations are from Knight, Hottes & Frison, Wagner, Yanega, Dmitriev & Dietrich, Microleps website, Dennis, Covell, MacRae, Needham et al., Blackman & Eastop, Watson, Miller, Pepper, Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Wilhelm & Rericha, Nakahara) Coleoptera (Beetles) Buprestidae: Actenodes acornis [larvae bore through dead trees] Mcr1991, Chrysobothris femorata (Flat-Headed Apple Tree Borer) [larvae bore through dead or living trees] Mcr1991; Cerambycidae: Glycobius speciosus (Sugar Maple Borer) [larvae are found under bark of living trees] Ya1996; Curculionidae: Phyllobius oblongus (European Snout Beetle) [adults feed on leaves, polyphagous] WR2017 Diptera (Flies) Cecidomyiidae: Dasineura communis (Maple Gouty Vein-gall Midge) Crw2004 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Miridae: Coccobaphes frontifer [found in moist situations on dense young growth] Kn1941 Wat1928, Lygocoris hirticulus Kn1941, Lygocoris vitticollis (Y-Crossed Cream Bug) Kn1941, Plagiognathus flavipes Kn1941 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Aphis rumicis [polyphagous] HF1931, Drepanaphis acerifoliae [found on leaves] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965, Drepanaphis carolinensis [found on leaves] BE2013 Pp1965, Drepanaphis choanotricha [found on low branches of Sugar Maple in Illinois & North Carolina] BE2013, Drepanaphis kanzensis [found on leaves] BE2013, Drepanaphis keshenae [found on leaves, distributed in E USA & Ontario] HF1931 BE2013, Drepanaphis minuta [syn. Drepanaphis minutum, syn. Shenahweum minutum; found on leaf undersides of Sugar Maple in eastern North America] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965, Drepanaphis monelli HF1931, Drepanaphis nigricans Pp1965, Drepanaphis sabrinae [found on leaves, distributed in E USA as far west as Minnesota & Kansas] BE2013 Pp1965, Drepanaphis simpsoni [found on leaves, distributed in NE USA & Canada] BE2013 Pp1965, Myzocallis punctatus HF1931, Neoprociphilus aceris (Woolly Maple Aphid) [found on branches, twigs, petioles, & leaves, migrating to the stems & leaves of Smilax spp. during the summer; distributed in eastern North America] HF1931 BE2013 WR2017, Periphyllus americanus (American Maple Aphid) Pp1965, Periphyllus lyropictus (Norway Maple Aphid) HF1931, Pterocomma smithiae HF1931, Therioaphis ononidis HF1931; Cicadellidae: Eratoneura fausta [preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura flexibilis [preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura harpola DD2010, Eratoneura incondita [preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura knighti [preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura macra DD2010, Eratoneura rotunda [the preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura sancta [preferred host plant] DD2010, Eratoneura sandersoni DD2010, Eratoneura spala DD2010, Eratoneura trautmanae DD2010, Erythridula cruciformis [polyphagous] DD2010, Erythridula parsoni DD2010; Membracidae: Enchenopa binotata [polyphagous] Den1952, Telamona decorata Den1952; Diaspididae: Chionaspis acericola (Maple Scurfy Scale) [found in Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, & Pennsylvania] SN2014, Diaspidiotus ancylis (Putnam Scale) [found on leaves, sometimes bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (English Walnut Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA] SN2014, Lepidosaphes ulmi (Oystershell Scale) [found on bark, polyphagous; this insect is widely distributed in the USA, S Canada, & Eurasia] SN2014, Lopholeucaspis japonica (Japanese Maple Scale) [causes dieback of branches, polyphagous; this insect is found mostly in NE USA, it was introduced from E Asia] SN2014; Pseudococcidae: Phenacoccus acericola (Maple Mealybug) [widely distributed in the USA, found on leaf undersides] SN2014, Phenacoccus grandicarpus (Large-bodied Mealybug) [found under outer bark; this insect occurs in Missouri] SN2014, Phenacoccus hortonarum (Horton's Mealybug) [found on bark; this insect occurs in Virginia & New Hampshire] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Formicidae: Aphaenogaster tennesseensis (Thread-waisted Parasite Ant) [this ant displaces other Aphaenogaster spp. from their nest-galleries in decomposing heartwood of fallen and standing Sugar Maple trees] WR2017, Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Black Carpenter Ant) [worker ants feed on the honeydew secreted by Neoprociphilus aceris, the Woolly Maple Aphid; this ant forms nest-galleries in decomposing heartwood of fallen and standing Sugar Maple trees] WR2017, Formica subsericea (Silky Field Ant) [worker ants feed on the honeydew secreted by Neoprociphilus aceris, the Woolly Maple Aphid] WR2017; Tenthredinidae: Caulocampus acericaulis (Maple Petiole Borer) [Sugar Maple is the preferred host plant] Crw2004 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Geometridae: Besma endropiaria (Straw Besma) Cv2005, Euchlaena irraria (Least-Marked Euchlaena) Cv2005; Gracillariidae: Caloptilia packardella [leaf-roller] Mic2010, Caloptilia umbratella [leaf-roller] Mic2010 Ndm1928, Cameraria aceriella [larvae are blotch leaf-miners] Mic2010 Crw2004, Cameraria saccharella (Maple Leafblotch Miner) [larvae are blotch leaf-miners] Mic2010 Ndm1928, Phyllonorycter lucidicostella [larvae are tentiform leaf-miners] Mic2010; Nepticulidae: Glaucolepis saccharella (Maple Serpentine Leafminer) [larvae form serpentine mines on leaves; syn. Trifurcula saccharella] Ndm1928 WR2017; Noctuidae: Acronicta retardata (Retarded Dagger Moth) Cv2005; Notodontidae: Peridea basitriens (Oval-Based Prominent) Wg2005, Symmerista leucitys (Orange-Humped Mapleworm) Wg2005; Tortricidae: Catastega aceriella (Maple Leaf Skeletonizer) [larvae skeletonize leaves] WR2017, Proteoteras moffatiana (Maple Bud Borer Moth) [larvae feed in buds & shoots] Mlr1987 Thysanoptera (Thrips) Thripidae: Thrips calcaratus [polyphagous, feeds on buds & leaves] Nk1994 Trombidiformes (Mites) Eriophyidae: Aceria elongatus (Red Pile Mite) [forms red pile-like galls on leaves] WR2017, Aceria modestus (Green Pile Mite) [forms green pile-like galls on leaves] WR2017, Vasates aceriscrumena (Maple Spindle Gall Mite) [forms narrow spindle-shaped galls on leaves] WR2017 |
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