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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Ambrosia trifida (Giant Ragweed) [Asteraceae] (Observations are from Thomas, Clark et al., Marshall, Wyoming Agr. Exp. Sta., Dennis, Microleps website, Knight, Hottes & Frison, Rider, Covell, Needham et al., Felt, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Watson, Vickery & Kevan, Brust et al., Loeffler, Pepper, Robinson & Bradley, O'Brien & Anderson, Charlet & Gavloski, Spencer & Steyskal, Snodgrass et al., Ford & Jackman, Natural History Museum, Mitchell, ScaleNet, Wilhelm & Rericha, Williams, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Brentidae: Fallapion impunctistriatum WR2017; Cerambycidae: Dectes sayi (Soybean Stem Borer) [larvae bore through stems] WR2017, Dectes texanus (Sunflower Long-horned Beetle) [larvae bore through stems] CG2011 WR2017, Hippopsis lemniscata [larvae bore through stems] WR2017; Chrysomelidae: Brachypnoea clypealis Clk2004, Calligrapha bidenticola (White-striped Leaf Beetle) WR2017, Calligrapha californica Clk2004, Calligrapha praecelsis Clk2004, Exema dispar [adults & case-bearing larvae found on stems & foliage] Clk2004 WR2017, Zygogramma suturalis (Ragweed Leaf Beetle) Clk2004 WR2017; Coccinellidae: Harmonia axyridis (Asian Lady Beetle) [adults & larvae prey on the aphid, Uroleucon ambrosiae, that sucks sap from this plant] WR2017; Curculionidae: Cosmobaris scolopacea (Beet Petiole Borer) [feeds on this plant] WR2017, Smicronyx amoenus WR2017, Smicronyx corniculatus WR2017, Smicronyx flavicans OA1996, Smicronyx squalidus OA1996 WR2017; Mordellidae: Mordellistena aspersa [larvae bore through stems] FJ1996, Mordellistena pustulata [larvae bore through stems] FJ1996, Mordellistena rubrifascia [larvae bore through stems] FJ1996 Diptera (Flies) Agromyzidae: Agromyza subnigripes [leaf-miner, polyphagous] Ndm1928, Calycomyza ambrosiae [larvae are blotch leaf-miners; found in Tennessee & Indiana] SS1986 WR2017; Cecidomyiidae: Neolasioptera ambrosiae (Ragweed Stem Gall Midge) [larvae cause irregular fusiform galls to develop on stems] Flt1917; Tephritidae: Euaresta festiva Msh2006 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Anthocoridae: Orius insidiosus (Insidious Flower Bug) [hunts for insect prey on this plant] WR2017; Coreidae: Euthochtha galeator (Helmeted Squash Bug) [adults & nymphs feed on stems, polyphagous] WR2017 Wm2004 BS1986, Piezogaster calcarator BS1986; Miridae: Chlamydatus associatus (Ragweed Plant Bug) WR2017, Ilnacora malina [found in dense growth of shaded to partially shaded places] WHM1983 Wat1928 WR2017, Ilnacora stalii (Dotted Green Plant Bug) [found in dense growth along streams] Wat1928 WR2017, Lygus plagiatus [found in moist situations with rank plant growth] Kn1941 Wat1928, Metriorrhynchomiris dislocatus WR2017, Plagiognathus blatchleyi (Blatchley's Plant Bug) WR2017, Plagiognathus obscurus (Obscure Plant Bug) WR2017, Reuteroscopus ornatus (Ornate Plant Bug) WR2017, Slaterocoris stygicus WHM1983 WR2017, Taylorilygus apicalis (Broken-backed Bug) SSS1984; Pentatomidae: Acrosternum hilaris (Green Stink Bug) [polyphagous] Rid2009, Cosmopepla lintneriana (Twice-stabbed Stink Bug) [polyphagous] WR2017, Euschistus tristigmus luridus (Dusky Stink Bug) [polyphagous] WR2017, Mormidea lugens Rid2009; Tingidae: Corythucha marmorata (Chrysanthemum Lace Bug) [found on leaf undersides] WR2017 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Aulacorthum solani (Foxglove Aphid) [polyphagous] Pp1965, Macrosiphum pallens [found in Illinois, Giant Ragweed is a possible host of this aphid] BE2013, Uroleucon ambrosiae (Brown Ambrosia Aphid) [found on upper stems] HF1931 Pp1965 RB1965 WR2017, Uroleucon rudbeckiae (Golden Glow Aphid) [possible misidentification of aphid] HF1931 Th1877 Pp1965; Cicadellidae: Graphocephala coccinea (Red-banded Leafhopper) WR2017; Membracidae: Acutalis tartarea [found on upper stems, not attended by ants] Den1952 WR2017, Campylenchia latipes [polyphagous, found on upper stems, not attened by ants] Den1952 WR2017, Ceresa bubalus (Buffalo Treehopper) [polyphagous, found on upper stems, not attended by ants, syn. Ceresa alta] Den1952 WR2017, Entylia bactriana [polyphagous] Den1952, Entylia carinata [found on lower surface of leaf midveins & attended by ants] WR2017, Hadrophallus borealis [polyphagous] Den1952, Publilia concava [polyphagous, found on lower surface of leaf midveins & attended by ants] Den1952 WR2017, Stictocephala diceros [polyphagous] Den1952, Stictocephala taurina [polyphagous] Den1952, Tortistilus inermis [polyphagous] Den1952; Pseudococcidae: Dysmicoccus mcdanieli [feeds on lower surface of leaves; this insect has been found in Missouri] SN2014, Heliococcus osborni (Osborn Mealybug) [polyphagous, mostly found on woody vegetation] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, Ants, & Sawflies) Formicidae: Camponotus americanus (American Carpenter Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Camponotus nearcticus (Nearctica Carpenter Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Camponotus pennsylvanicus (Black Carpenter Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Crematogaster cerasi [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Formica incerta (Uncertain Field Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Formica montana (Prairie Mound Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Formica subsericea (Silky Field Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Lasius alienus (Cornfield Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Myrmica af-smi [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017, Myrmica latifrons [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant, syn. Myrmica emeryana] WR2017, Prenolepis imparis (False Honey Ant) [feeds on the honeydew secreted by some treehoppers that suck sap from this plant] WR2017 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Arctiidae: Spilosoma virginica (Virginia Tiger Moth) [polyphagous] Mch1919; Bucculatricidae: Bucculatrix ambrosiaefoliella [larvae are leaf-miners] Ndm1928 NHM2010; Gelechiidae: Chionodes mediofuscella (Black-smudged Chionodes) [larvae feed on seeds] Cv2005 NHM2010, Dichomeris juncidella [this leaf-folding moth is found in fields] Lf1994 NHM2010, Gnorimoschema ambrosiaeella [found in Kentucky] NHM2010; Geometridae: Scopula inductata (Soft-lined Wave) NHM2010; Gracillariidae: Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella [larvae are tentiform leaf-miners, syn. Cremastobombycia ambrosiella] Mic2010 Ndm1928 NHM2010; Noctuidae: Caenurgina erechtea (Forage Looper Moth) [polyphagous] NHM2010, Hypena scabra (Green Cloverworm) [polyphagous] NHM2010, Ogdoconta cinereola (Common Pinkband) NHM2010, Papaipema nebris (Stalk Borer Moth) [polyphagous] NHM2010 WR2017, Plagiomimicus pityochromus (Black-barred Brown) Cv2005 NHM2010, Schinia gracilenta (Iva Flower Moth) [larvae feed on flowers] NHM2010, Schinia thoreaui (Thoreau's Flower Moth) [monophagous, larvae feed on flowers & developing seeds] Cv2005 NHM2010; Nymphalidae: Chlosyne gorgone (Gorgone Checkerspot) NHM2010; Scythrididae: Landryia matutella [larvae form webs on leaf undersides; syn. Asymmetrura matutella] NHM2010; Tischeriidae: Astrotischeria ambrosiaeella [larvae are leaf-miners; Ambrosia trifida is the preferred host] Mic2010 Ndm1928 NHM2010, Astrotischeria heliopsisella [larvae are leaf-miners] Mic2010 Ndm1928 NHM2010; Tortricidae: Epiblema otiosana (Bidens Borer Moth) [larvae bore through stems] NHM2010, Epiblema strenuana (Ragweed Borer Moth) [larvae bore into terminal stems, forming galls] NHM2010, Paralobesia vernoniana (Ironweed Tortrix) NHM2010 Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Acrididae: Melanoplus bivittatus (Two-Striped Grasshopper) Wy1994, Melanoplus differentialis (Differential Grasshopper) [this grasshopper is found in weedy areas, roadsides, abandoned fields, field edges, & gardens] Wy1994 VK1985 BHW2008 |
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