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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Amorpha fruticosa (False Indigo) [Fabaceae] (Observations are from Osborn & Drake, Yanega, Bouseman & Sternburg, Wagner, Knight, Microleps website, Barnes, Arnett & Jacques, Clark et al., Bouseman et al., MacRae, Needham et al., Opler & Krizek, Boe & Johnson, Panzer et al., Cranshaw, and Wilhelm & Rericha) Coleoptera (Beetles) Buprestidae: Agrilus parvus [adults feed on foliage] Mcr1991 WR2017; Cerambycidae: Megacyllene decorum [larvae bore through stems, oligophagous] Ya1996; Chrysomelidae: Acanthoscelides floridae [larvae feed on seeds] WR2017, Acanthoscelides submuticus [larvae feed on seeds] BJ2014, Anomoea flavokansiensis Clk2004, Anomoea laticlavia Clk2004, Odontota dorsalis (Locust Leafminer) [this insect prefers Robinia pseudoacacia as a host plant, but it will feed on other plant species] Clk2004 Ndm1928 Crw2004, Phyllecthris dorsalis Clk2004, Sumitrosis rosea Clk2004 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Miridae: Lopidea hesperus Kn1941, Psallus amorphae Kn1941; Tingidae: Gargaphia amorphae (Indigo Bush Lace Bug) OD1916 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Cosmopterigidae: Walshia amorphella [larvae cause fusiform swellings on twigs] WR2017; Geometridae: Cabera quadrifasciaria (Four-lined Cabera) [False Indigo is the only host] Pnz2006, Pleuroprucha insulsaria (Common Tan Wave) [larvae feed on flowers, polyphagous] Wg2005; Gracillariidae: Phyllonorycter uhlerella [larvae are blotch or tentiform leaf-miners] Mic2010 Ndm1928; Hesperiidae: Epargyreus clarus (Silver-Spotted Skipper) Bou2006 Wg2005 WR2017; Lycaenidae: Strymon melinus (Gray Hairstreak) [larvae feed on flowers & developing fruit, polyphagous] Bar1999; Pieridae: Colias cesonia (Dogface Sulphur) [preferred host plant, syn. Zerene cesonia] AJ1981 BS2001 Wg2005 OK1984 WR2017 |
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