
Insects Feeding
on these Plants:


Arundo donax
(Giant Reed) [Poaceae]
(Observations are from Blackman & Eastop, ScaleNet)

Homoptera (Sucking Insects)

Aphididae: Hyalopterus pruni (Mealy Plum Aphid) [found on leaf undersides of Prunus spp., migrating during the summer to Common Reed & Giant Reed] BE2013; Pseudococcidae: Chaetococcus phragmitis (Legless Reed Mealybug) [found underneath leaf sheaths; this insect is found in NE USA & Canada] SN2014,
Chorizococcus rostellum (Bermuda Grass Mealybug) [feeds mostly on roots; this insect is found in SE USA as far north as Maryland & Tennessee] SN2014