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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Pinus taeda (Loblolly Pine) [Pinaceae] (Observations are from Covell, Aldrich & Osten-Sacken, Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Opler & Krizek, Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Curculionidae: Hylobius pales (Pales Weevil) [adults damage twigs, larvae bore into stumps & recently killed trees] Crw2004 Diptera (Flies) Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyia resinicola (Pine Pitch Midge) AOS1905 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Coreidae: Leptoglossus corculus [feeds on seeds, oligophagous] BS1986 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Aphididae: Cinara taedae [found on pines in subsections Australes & Contortae, Loblolly Pine is a preferred host; this aphid occurs southward from Pennsylvania] BE2013, Cinara watsoni [found on new growth, or near tips of last year's shoots, especially on pines of subsection Australes; this aphid is distributed in E USA] BE2013, Essigella pini [found mostly on needles of pines in subsection Australes] BE2013, Prociphilus carolinensis [found on roots about 3-4 ft. below the ground surface; this aphid was observed in North Carolina & Manitoba] BE2013; Diaspididae: Acutaspis morrisonorum (Round Conifer Scale) [found in E USA & SE Canada] SN2014, Chionaspis heterophyllae (Pine Scurfy Scale) [found on needles; this insect occurs in E USA, along the Pacific Coast of the USA, & Canada] SN2014; Pseudococcidae: Dysmicoccus milleri (Miller Mealybug) [found under bark flakes during autumn; this insect has been found in SE USA as far north as Maryland] SN2014, Dysmicoccus obesus (Pine Mealybug) [found under flakes of bark or around scarred areas of bark; this insect has been found in SE USA as far north as Arkansas & Maryland] SN2014, Oracella acuta (Acute Mealybug) [found under bark, on twigs, & at the base of needles; this insect occurs in SE USA as far north as Maryland & Kentucky] SN2014 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Diprionidae: Neodiprion abbotii [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Neodiprion excitans (Black-headed Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves; this insect is found mostly south of Illinois] Sm2006 Crw2004, Neodiprion hetricki [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Neodiprion pratti (Virginia Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Neodiprion lecontei (Red-headed Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves] Crw2004, Neodiprion taedae (Spotted Loblolly Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006, Neodiprion virginiana [larvae feed on leaves] Sm2006; Pamphiliidae: Acantholyda atripes [larvae form webs over leaves] Sm2006; Siricidae: Sirex nigricornis [larvae bore into wood] Sm2006, Urocerus cressoni [larvae bore into wood] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Lycaenidae: Callophrys niphon (Pine Elfin) OK1984; Sphingidae: Lapara coniferarum (Pine Sphinx) Cv2005 |
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