
Insects Feeding
on this Plant:


Verbesina encelioides
(Golden Crownbeard) [Asteraceae]
(A scientific synonym of this plant is Ximensia encelioides. Observations are from the Natural History Museum, ScaleNet)

Homoptera (Sucking Insects)
Phenacoccus solani (Solanum Mealybug) [found on lower leaves & roots, polyphagous; this insect has been found in Maryland & Virginia, although it occurs primarily in southern & western USA] SN2014

Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths)
Noctuidae: Schinia bina (Bina Flower Moth) NHM2010, Schinia siren (Siren Flower Moth) [this moth is found south & southwest of Illinois] NHM2010; Pyralidae: Homoeosoma electellum (Sunflower Moth) [larvae feed on flowerheads] NHM2010